Wireless World – Local Solution

SATELLINE-EASy Pro is an IP67 (NEMA 6) classified UHF radio modem with a high power (up to 25 or 35 W) transmitter and wide 70 MHz tuning range. It was designed for easy mobile use in demanding field conditions. According to the IP67 standard, the casing and connectors of the SATELLINE-EASy Pro are waterproof and secured against dust.

In addition to the high output power and wide tuning range, the channel spacing is also selectable to be 12.5, 20 or 25 kHz. The SATELLINE-EASy Pro is equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and a keypad, used to indicate the current operating status, as well as for changing the operating channel and power level of the radio modem.

With SATEL radio modems, setting up a local data transfer network is quick and cost effective. Your wireless network is independent and free of operator services. The cost of operation is either free of charge or fixed, depending on the frequency used. SATELLINE radio modems are type approved in over 50 countries.

SATELLINE radio modems are always on line, and provide reliable, realtime data communications over distances ranging from tens or hundreds of metres up to around 80 kilometres. Thanks to a store and forward function, any radio modem in a network can be used as a master station, substation and / or repeater.

SATELLINE radio modem networks are flexible, easy to expand and can cover a wide variety of solutions from simple point-to-point connections to large networks comprising hundreds of modems. Even for expanded networks, only one operating frequency is required.


Frequency range 403 … 473 MHz
Tuning range 70 MHz
Channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz selectable
Sensitivity/Carrier power -114 dBm / 25 W or 35 W
Interface RS-232
Data speed Radio 19200 / RS 38400 bps
Operating voltage +9 … +16 VDC (≥ +12 VDC @ 35 W)
Power consumption RX 1.8 W / TX 120W (with 35W output power)
Size/Weight 189 x 138 x 71mm with connectors / 1420 g
Connectors 8-pin ODU / TNC f / 4-pin ODU

Heavy-duty tool for outdoor use

SATELLINE-EASy Pro is an IP67 classified UHF radio modem with a high power (up to 25 or 35 W) transmitter, wide 70 MHz tuning range (403 … 473 MHz) in one hardware and selectable channel spacing.

SATELLINE-EASy Pro is particularly well suited for mobile field applications (land surveying, for instance) under varying weather conditions. Due to the high transmitting power, connection distances more than 80 kilometres can be covered in favourable conditions.
With the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) the user can monitor the current operating status (frequency, channel number) as well as condition (power level, voltage level, field strength) of the radio modem.

SATELLINE-EASy Pro is compatible with SATELLINE-EASy and -3AS family products too.

Dependable data transfer

In the SATELLINE-EASy Pro the error rate is minimized by means of advance checking and correction of the data packets. In Forward Error Correction (FEC), the data packets are split in several blocks. The radio modem adds correction information inside the blocks during transmission.

In a SATELLINE-EASy Pro network, any substation can function as a repeater, too. In this operating mode (store and forward), the radio modem receives a message, buffers the received data, and transmits it further to another substation, using the same radio channel as in reception.

SATELLINE-EASy Pro features embedded Message Routing software, which takes care of routing messages across a radio modem network automatically after proper settings have been made. Communication is completely transparent, which makes Message Routing directly compatible with most user protocols.


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