HEXAGON Metrology Lab Equipment
In our consumer-driven world, success can hinge on ‘perceived quality’ – the customer perception of the products they purchases. Major brands are actively promoting a quality image and demanding that their factories and suppliers live up to their consumers’ expectations. In short, if you work in manufacturing, quality is your business.
But who is responsible for the quality of the products you produce? Is it the metrology lab equipment experts in the quality department? The team responsible for the production process? Maybe it’s the designers and engineers who came up with the concept in the first place?
Think that quality is the responsibility of one department? Think again.
At Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, we believe that quality is a shared responsibility amongst stakeholders throughout the product lifecycle. Every person in every department who interacts with a component as it makes its journey from design to reality can affect quality. Our metrology lab equipment enable you to rethink quality in your department and collaborate with your colleagues on site and around the world to design and engineer, produce and measure quality – and ensure you deliver quality to your customers.
Hexagon Metrology lab equipment develops products for a wide range of applications: