FPM360 TrueVector
Unifying All Data into One Easy-to-Understand Interface
Imagine a solution capable of resolving in real time any qualitative and quantitative information regarding the stability of a pit at any temporal and spatial scale. Imagine a platform so flexible to adapt to any alerting configuration. Then, imagine a unified system that can be accessed anytime anywhere that allows decision makers to maximize the safety of operations.
Full Pit Monitoring 360 (FPM360) is the ecosystem that brings stability and safety awareness to an unprecedented level, merging together all the data coming from any IBIS slope monitoring unit, such as:
- Radar
- High resolution camera
- Mobile instrument
- Semi-permanent device
FPM360 unifies any data, providing monitoring experts with a complete view of the entire pit for managing slope hazards. Radar data from multiple IBIS units are not just displayed in the same window, but completely merged into a single universal 3D view of the pit for complete situation awareness.
The FPM streamlines data from multiple monitoring devices into one unique software platform, reducing work processes and saving valuable time needed for making decisions. Controlling a whole pit, or even multiple pits, from a single 3D georeferenced solution, enables the users to tackle data analysis, interpretation and alarming set up with ease.
TrueVector technology
With TrueVector technology, FPM360 is able to resolve the spatial direction of displacement vectors for hundreds of thousands of overlapping radar pixels being monitored simultaneously by two or more radar systems, with sub-millimetric accuracy. No prisms, markers or reflectors are needed on slopes to rapidly resolve displacement information.
A global solution
Automatically import different total stations and GNSS dataset to gain even clearer understanding of slope stability. Monitoring experts can compare prism and GNSS displacement trends with IBIS radar data to understand movement behavior faster. Stereonet charts are also available for quick and immediate representation of displacement data.
Through an advanced automatic export tool and the unique External Public Interface (API), IBIS data can be exported and displayed in third-party platforms for geotechnical monitoring.
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Falcon Geomatics LLC
Ahammed Kamal Warehouse 6
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United Arab Emirates
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Musaffah Industrial Area M40
Plot Number 6 & Building 3
First Floor, Office No. 11 & 12
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
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